Home/Preclinical/Operating Room

Surgery Ward: Dr. Javad Ahmadi- Pediatric Surgery subspecialist

Head nurse: Mr. Farhad Ghafari- Operating room technician

This ward is located in the fifth floor and consists of 3 operating rooms and 3 recovery rooms. In this ward, Urological Surgery, ENT, Orthopedics, Plastic surgery and general surgery are done under supervision of specialists and subspecialists. The purpose of this ward is providing surgeries which are related to specialty of hospital in best quality. These services will be feasible with high experienced staff and specialists in two area of operation room and anesthesia and area of specialists and subspecialists in children surgery. Each operation room staffs have been trained to be able to perform all procedures in different specialties. In addition, they are able to train and transfer their knowledge to learners and new people.

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